It also imports Iranian gas condensate on behalf of private Chinese petrochemical plants. 珠海振戎还代表中国民营石油化工厂从伊朗进口凝析油。
Non-Darcy effect on well deliverability in carbonate gas condensate reservoirs 非达西效应对碳酸盐岩凝析气井产能的影响
Influencing factors of deliverability of horizontal wells in carbonate gas condensate reservoirs 碳酸盐岩凝析气藏水平井产能的影响因素
The existed problems in well test study for gas condensate reservoir are presented and the future research is predicted. 提出了凝析气藏试井研究存在的问题,并对以后的研究方向进行了展望。
China is divided into the habit of natural gas gas gas, associated gas and gas condensate in three. 华北油田向北京输送的天然气中,也有一部分是经过净化处理的伴生气。
The application of single-well production analysis for carbonate gas condensate reservoirs 生产分析方法在碳酸盐岩凝析气井动态分析中的应用
Study on the Parameter Optimization Design Method of Gas Condensate Well Production System 凝析气井生产系统参数优化设计方法研究
A new calculation approach of material balance equation for fractured gas condensate reservoir 裂缝性凝析气藏物质平衡方程计算新方法
The influence of fluid component content and inlet temperature on the flow in gas condensate pipeline-riser system 流体组分含量及入口温度对天然气凝析液输送管道立管系统流体流动特性的影响
A Study on the Complex Phase Behavior Theory of Multiphase Fluid in Deep Gas Condensate Reservoirs and the New Method to Improve Gas Well Productivity; 深层凝析气藏多相流体复杂相态理论及提高气井产能新方法研究元态理论对狭义相对论的认识(续)
Influencing factors of productivity in gas well and gas condensate well 气井及凝析气井产能影响因素综合研究
Influential factors on gelling performance of profile control agent for fractured gas condensate reservoirs 裂缝型凝析气藏调剖剂成胶性能的影响因素
The result shows that gas condensate will adhere on pore surface as oil film, which has different influence on gas well deliverability depending on its thickness. 计算结果表明,凝析液析出后附着在孔隙表面上形成油膜,油膜的厚度不同对气井产能也有不同的影响。
With more and more discoveries of deep and low-permeability gas condensate reservoirs, understanding of the retrograde condensation behavior is an important basis of making a wise development plan. 深层低渗透凝析气藏的数量越来越多,了解其反凝析特征是气藏开发正确决策的重要基础。
Case study proves that the proposed method is contributed to properly establish the inflow performance relationship ( IPR) for gas condensate wells. 实例分析证明,利用提出的方法,能正确建立流入动态方程。
Application of Modern Production Decline Analysis in the Performance Analysis of Gas Condensate Reservoirs 现代产量递减分析在凝析气田动态分析中的应用
Experimental Study of Wax Precipitation in Gas Condensate with High Temperature, High Pressure and High Wax Theoretical Analysis on Penetration of Rigid Projectiles and Numerical Simulations of SHPB Test 高温高压高含蜡凝析气析蜡实验研究刚性弹侵彻理论分析以及SHPB数值试验
Determination of the Content of N-alkanes in Desulfurized Natural Gas Condensate by the Urea Coordination Method 尿素络合法测定脱硫后天然气凝析油中的正构烷烃含量
The key to the production-optimizing analysis of the gas condensate well lies in how to make the retrograde condensate property be brought in the production-optimizing process. 凝析气井生产系统优化分析的关键问题在于如何将反凝析特性反映进生产优化过程。
For the gas condensate well, it is difficult to evaluation the efficiency of the super covered perforation, since there are many influence factors. 对于天然气和凝析油同产井,评价超完全覆盖射孔效果影响因素增多,加大了评价难度。
The Influences of Irreducible Water and Depletion Rate on Critical Flow Saturation of Gas Condensate 束缚水和衰竭速度对凝析油临界流动饱和度的影响
This model can be used for the design and the performance prediction of gas condensate reservoir development. 该模型可用于凝析油气藏一类油气田的开发设计和动态预测。
On the basis of phase state experimental analysis on the gas condensate system with water vapour, we analyze how water vapour has effect on the phase state of the gas-condensate system and summarize the phase behavior of the gas-condensate system with water vapour. 在对某含水汽凝析气体系相态实验分析的基础上,分析了水汽对凝析油气相态的影响,总结了含水汽凝析气体系的相态特征。
The discrimination of oil rim is the base of integrally studying gas condensate reservoir. 油环的判别是整体研究凝析气藏的基础。
Water vapour in gas condensate reservoir has effect on the phase state of the gas condensate system. 凝析气藏中的水汽对凝析气体系相态变化有重大影响。
Horizontal well productivity predication and evaluation are important issues at its design stage for a gas condensate reservoir. 凝析气藏水平井产能预测与评价是水平井设计中的一个重要方面。
Distillation and recovery of furnace gas condensate. 炉气冷凝液的蒸馏与回收。
The growth of condensate oil reduces the gas flow effective pore space, reduced the relative permeability gas phase, this is the pollution of retrograde condensate of gas condensate Wells. 凝析油的聚集增长减少了气体流动的有效孔隙空间,降低了气相的相对渗透率,这就是凝析气井的反凝析污染。
Bottom water gas condensate reservoir with oil rim exists widely all over the world and has high exploited value. 带油环的底水凝析气藏在中国乃至世界都有着广泛分布,具有较高的开发价值。